The South Carolina Association of Educational Office Professionals (SCAEOP) is dedicated to promoting the advancement of educational office professionals.
Why Become a Member?
Professional Development: Attend workshops, seminars, and conferences designed to enhance your skills and knowledge.
Networking Opportunities: Connect with other professionals in the field to share experiences, ideas, and resources.
Recognition and Awards: Participate in programs that recognize excellence and outstanding contributions in the profession.
Scholarships and Grants: Apply for financial assistance for further education and professional development.
Resource Sharing: Gain access to a wealth of resources, including templates, best practices, and industry updates.
Member Categories
Active Membership $30.00
All clerical, secretarial, or other support staff working in educational systems in the state of South Carolina are eligible for active membership in this association. Active members have the right to vote on all matters coming before the association, make motions, serve on committees, and hold office. Active membership privileges will terminate upon withdrawal from employment in an educational system and/or nonpayment of dues.
Associate Membership $30.00
Open to all persons not eligible for active membership. Associate members will have all rights and privileges of active members except those of voting and holding an elected office.
Retired Membership $15.00
Retired membership will be open to any SCAEOP member or former SCAEOP member who has retired from educational office work. Retired members will have the same rights and privileges as active members except that of holding an elected office. (A retired member is one who has officially left employment, has not returned to work under South Carolina earnings limitation or TERI Program, or returned to work full time.)
How to Join
Step 1: Complete the Application Form
Fill out the SCAEOP membership application form. An individual application has to be submitted per person. Please ensure all required fields are completed accurately.
New to SCAEOP or cannot locate your Member ID number? Email: scaeopmembership@gmail.com
Membership Benefit: Group Life Insurance (the application will ask for the last four digits)
Step 2: Submit the Application
Submit your completed application form along with the membership fee. Payments can be made via check or through our secure online payment system.
Step 3: Confirmation
You will receive a automated confirmation email from SCAEOPWEBMASTER once your application and payment has been processed. This will serve as your receipt of payment. Any additional information regarding your membership will be emailed to you from the SCAEOP Membership Recorder.
The SCAEOP Affiliation Program provides an opportunity for local, county, and regional associations to affiliate with the state organization. This program also provides an avenue for members, through their affiliate, to nominate members and administrators for recognition and scholarships. Guidance on establishing new affiliates can be found on the NAEOP website. Affiliate renewals are due on October 31st of each year.
Membership Applications
Online application
SCAEOP Membership Application
SCAEOP Retiree Application
SCAEOP Affiliate Application